Wireless IR-Target for Paintball
First i wanted to build an laser tag game based on the guns i normally use for
paintball playing. But after some minutes of planning i skipped the idea, and
just built an very bright infrared transmitter and a lens into an old barrel.
After i built the target it came to me that you may want to shoot at the
target from distances greater than 4 meters, so i removed the cabling,
added some ultra-primitive communication protocol via infrared (on a different
carrier the gun is shooting of course), hooked it to my pc to see how accurate
my shot was (it only plots a red ring, because i can only extract distance from
middle and not directional information). And after some nights of shooting-fun
with my friends i also added the little lcd screen for a more party-friendly
quake-ish look.
The eletronics behind the target.
Basically only an infrared-receiver, some drivers, a 16F88 PIC Controller and batteries.
And of course some tricky software :)

The target.

The target (zoomed in).

Aiming for it. You can see the score-lcd (left) and the barrel with the infrared-transmitter.

A little brighter so you can see where that the screen is working.

The screen is about 10 years old, and the backlight is nearly dead. Thus i had
to brighten up this picture heavily.